Category 1

2 min read

Oh no, I think I have Pink Eye!

You may have pink eye or another problem with your eyes. Here are the symptoms of Pink Eye…

8 min read

Home Eye Safety

The sun releases energy (radiation) in many forms. The sunlight we see, the heat we feel, and ultraviolet (UV)…

10 min read

Healthy Eye Aging

Your eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy…

5 min read

FAQ: Medical Insurance vs. Vision Insurance

Morris Eye Group is a medical practice specializing in ophthalmology that diagnoses and treats medical conditions…

8 min read

Eye Exams 18 Years Old and Younger

A child may not tell you that he or she has a vision problem because they may think the way they see is the way…

3 min read

Dry Eyes?

Dry Eye Disease or Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is much more commonly seen than in previous decades…

8 min read

Diabetic Eye Disease Q & A

Diabetes can bring with it a host of health problems, and among other things, it is known to affect our eyes…

5 min read

Contact Lens Education with Dr. Codner

Why do I need to come back for a Contact Lens Check after being given trial lenses? We want to verify if the lens…

7 min read

Cataract Awareness

Inside our eyes, we have a natural lens. This lens bends (refracts) light rays that come into the eye to help us see…

8 min read

Blue Light Exposure FAQ’s

Blue light is a color in the visible light spectrum. Without getting into complicated physics, there is an inverse relationship between the wavelength…